Oscar Wilde
Jules Tavernier and the Monkey Block
Porter Ashe and the Train Wreck
Nob Hill; Kidnapping part one
The Bohemian Club
H.J.W. Dam and Jack the Ripper
The Harry, Frank and Amy–The Menage
The Commodore
King Kalakaua–The Merrie Monarch
The Missionary Position
The U.S. Takes Hawaii
Amy vs. Amelia–the Battle of Reputations
Hori Chiyo and the Tattooed Lady
The Adventuress
The Art of Living
Dimboola, Westminster and the Serial Dog Murderer
Japan, where poet’s dreams come true
The Baron
The Opium Den
The Chinese Violin Affair
A Murder in Shanghai
The Harem
Crocker Bank
Edgar Saltus and the Anti-theists
White City and Sunset City
The Monster Minstrel Show
Col Charles Frederick
Jackson Gouraud and the First Nighters
The Fast Lane
Thomas Edison’s whistling spasm
My Daughter My Sister
La Hacienda burns
Queen of Pearls
H. H. Kaa, Maharajah of Amber
Comic Opera
San Francisco Earthquake
New Place; Darlington
Moon Madness and Other Fantasies
Harriet Valentine Alexander and Mrs. Astor’s 400
Matisse, Rodin and the Hôtel Biron
Panama World’s Fair
Chateau de Baudiment
Ghostly haunting
Washington Irving Bishop–mentalist
The House of the Ivory Panels
Snake Charmer
The Cave of Bhojaveda
Jogindra’s Hathaparidipika, the book of the Yoga
Aimee compares religions
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
The Maid of Mystery
Aimee Crocker’s Magic Act
Arthur Waite, the Murdering Dentist
The Dance of All Nations
Paul Poiret–The Thousand and Second Night
Edmund Russell–The Apostle of Delsarte and Madame Blavatsky
Valentino the Taxi Dancer
Actresses Happen in the Best of Families
Original Nights
Aimee Crocker, Isadora Duncan and Modern Dance
Alexander Miskinoff–The False Prince
Court Seer–Aleister Crowley
Prince Galitzine, G.I. Gurdjieff, and P. D. Ouspensky
The House of Fantasy
Zero Station
Nicholas Roerich
And I’d Do It Again
Louis Daguerre and the first photo
Kidnapping part two
The Travelogue of Charles Stoddard
The Governor’s Race, Reverend Parkhurst and Tammany Hall
Chuck Connors
Crockerland and the race to the North Pole
Boy Wizard of Television
Einstein, Crocker and the Total Eclipse of the Sun
Ethel Crocker’s art collection
Jacques LeBaudy
Boni de Castellane
Edouard de Max
Eduardo Garcia-Mansilla
The Scarlett Woman
The Panda and the Yeti
Templeton Crocker and French Art Deco
Hotel St. Francis
Congressman Francis Burton Harrison
Marius de Zayas and Picasso
Kaffe Fassett and Nepenthe, Ethelbert Paul Nevin
Harry Crocker and Mussolini
Art Heist
Suzy Parker: The World’s First Supermodel
Bradford Dillman
Col Jackson S. Gouraud
Patty Hearst’s Bank Heist
Rodrigo de Zayas
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Vittorio Matteo Corcos
Benoni Irwin
The Tavernier/Strong Studio
Julian Rix
Theodore Wores
Charles Rollo Peters
Thomas Hill
“Soul painter” Princess Eristoff
Jan Van Beers
Prince Troubetzkoy, the sculptor
John Singer Sargent
Giovanni Boldini
Arnold Genthe
Joseph Morgan Henninger
Adam Styka
Herbert Stowitts
Kirchner’s Opium Girls
Joseph Milton
Boleslas Biegas
Giovanna Janesich
Emile Pingat
Cezanne’s “Maisons a L’Estaque”
Laboureur dans un champ by Van Gogh
Adah Menken
Adelina Patti and Enrico Caruso
Lilly Langtry
Henry Mygatt Woodruff, Anna Held
Marie Dressler
Marshall Wilder
The Barrymores and John Drew
Gaby Deslys and King Manuel of Portugal
Lillian Russell
Yvonne George
Yvette Guilbert
Moulin Rouge and professional farter Le Pétomane
Isadora Duncan
Santiago Rodrigo de Zayas
The Carriage House;
Alexander Hall
New York Crockers
12 avenue Elisée Reclus
Hotels of the Rich and Famous
Joseph Redding
Clay Greene
Bohemian Journalists
Bret Harte
Joaquin Miller
Mark Twain
Ina Coolbrith
Wilson Mizner-American scallywag
Jean Cocteau
Fernand Gregh
Movers and Shakers:
Gentleman Jim–Pugilist
Gabriele D’Annunzio vs. Mussolini
Diamond Jim Brady
Dr. Richard Lynch Garner the Monkey Man
Ward McAllister–Supersnob
Elsie de Wolfe
John Jacob Astor and the Titanic
Nicholas Murray Butler
Disgraced Governor William Sulzer
Natalie Barney and Gertrude Stein
Olympic Champion Walter Winans
Patty Hearst and the getaway car